We investigate and support any of your Ideas
Together with GadgEon Europe IOT, Application or Energy consultants we will investigate every of your IOT hardware, application, app or AI ideas. Together we will prepare a detailed requirements and cost document so the right decision can be made before development starts.
IOT hardware sensors & gateways
Edge and Cloud Application
Energy EV charger, load balancing , control devices or storage solutions
Developing your own Smart Manufacturing data capturing platform
Delpheon is an Industrial IoT (IIoT) solution development framework for rapid IoT / IIoT deployment and it addresses typical challenges in the journey towards industry 4.0. Delpheon consists of hardware and software components to integrate Machines, Sensors, PLCs, IO Modules, Edge gateways, and Server components. It facilitates the integration of Operational Technology (OT) and Informational Technology (IT). The application can be hosted on-premise servers or any cloud platform including Microsoft Azure, AWS or GCP.
The Delgateway edge software is ported on Option or Phoenix Contact PLCnext edge controllers. The DelCloud application framework run on Microsoft Azure in SAAS or customer cloud mode.